
YouTube 영어 4

ChatGPT와 마이크로 회화 연습하는 법

#프롬프트 1. Can you help me practice my English with a role play? 2. We can practice a conversation for "상황". 3. We can practice a conversation for a moive date. But, please don't give me the ful dialogue all at once. Say one sentence and wait for my response. * Google 검색: Talk-to-CharGPT (Intall and Add to Crome) * 프롬프트 지니: ChatGPT 자동 번역기 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykuDB3xpTTo 출처: Bridge TV

a/the의 본질 #1

a/the의 본질 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_zMPSlrCDg&t=180s 출처: YouTube 달변가영쌤 1. I'm going to (a / the) bus stop. 2. Do you know where (a / the) bank is? 3. There is (a / the) park near here. 4. Can you turn on (a / the) light? 5. How was (a / the) trip? 6. I'm going to (a / the) work. 7. Do you go to (a / the) university? 8. I don't go to (a / the) church. a the 특징 없음 구체적이지 않음 추상적 느낌 매우 구체적 매우..

영쌤이 캐나다에서 직접 겪은 6가지 결정적 영어 실수

영쌤이 캐나다에서 직접 겪은 6가지 결정적 영어 실수 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edog3DaLgHQ 출처: YouTube 달변가영쌤 1. ph 발음 #Dialouge 달변가 영쌤: I'm going to get my phone. (P 발음) 친구들: (웃음) 달변가 영쌤: Why are you laughing? 친구: Young. Go get your phone! 친구: Young. Where is your phone? 달변가 영쌤: Hear. Hear is my phone. (P 발음) 친구들: (웃음) 친구: Young. That's not a phone. (P 발음) 친구: That's a phone. (F 발음) Example ▶ phsical ▶ philosoph..
