'예약한 식당가기' 영어로
1. 인원이 두 명이라고 말하기!
2. 예약자 이름 대기!
직원: Hello. How many?
(안녕하세요. 몇 분이시죠?)
손님: A party of two.
(두명 인데요.)
직원: Did you make a reservation?
손님: Yes, It's under Heekyung Lee.
(네, 이희경으로 예약했어요.)
직원: Hello. How many?
(안녕하세요. 몇 분이시죠?)
▶ How many? = How many people?
How many cookies? (쿠키 몇개요?)
How many bags? (가방 몇개요?)
How many plastic bags? (비닐봉지 몇개요?)
How many tickets? (티켓 몇개요?)
How many girls? (여자아이 몇 분이시죠?)
How many fingers? (손가락 몇개죠?)
손님: A party of two.
(두명 인데요.)
▶ party: 모임, 그룹, 무리
▶ A party of two
= A group of two
= Two people
= Two
A party of four. (4명이요.)
A party of ten. (10명이요.)
A party of one hundred. (100명이요.)
One person. (한명이요.)
직원: Did you make a reservation?
▶ reserve: 예약하다 / reservation: 예약
▶ make a reservation: 예약하다
▶ Did you make a reservation?
= Do you have a reservation?
손님: Yes, It's under Heekyung Lee.
(네, 이희경으로 예약했어요.)
▶ under: ~아래에, (~라는 이름)으로
▶ It's under 예약자이름.
= The reservation is under 예약자이름.
It's under Peter. (피터로 예약했어요.)
왕초보 영어 - 교육의 중심 EBS
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