'인사 나누기' 영어로
1. 잘 못 지낸다고 말하기!
2. 남자친구와 헤어졌다고 말하기!
남자: Hey, how are you?
(어떻게 지내?)
여자: Actually, Not so great.
(사실은, 그렇게 좋진 않아.)
남자: Why? What's wrong?
(왜? 무슨 일이야?)
여자: I broke up with my boyfriend.
(남자친구랑 헤어졌거든.)
남자: Hey, how are you?
(어떻게 지내?)
▶ How are you? = How are you doing?
▶ How are you doing? 을 더 자주 씀
▶ What's up? = What's going on?
여자: Actually, Not so great.
(사실은, 그렇게 좋진 않아.)
▶ Actually: 사실은 = Well: 글쎄
▶ Not so great. = Not that great. (그렇게 좋진 않아.)
▶ Pretty good. (꽤 좋아.)
▶ Nothing much. (별일 없어.)
남자: Why? What's wrong?
(왜? 무슨 일이야?)
▶ What's wrong? = What's the matter?
여자: I broke up with my boyfriend.
(남자친구랑 헤어졌거든.)
▶ Break up with someone (~와 헤어지다)
▶ Break의 과거형: Broke
I broke up with girlfriend. (나는 여자친구랑 헤어졌다.)
I broke up with him. (나는 그와 헤어졌다.)
I broke up with her. (나는 그녀와 헤어졌다.)
My boyfriend broke up with me. (나의 남자친구는 나와 헤어졌다.)
My girlfriend broke up with me. (나의 여자친구는 나와 헤어졌다.)
왕초보 영어 - 교육의 중심 EBS
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